The ILC Clinic
The International Health Services serves SIL members, volunteers, students, and others associated with the ILC. We offer travel immunizations, physicals, appointments for minor illnesses, and other needs. We also have safety information for the Center.
Medical Clinic
Please call the Clinic for an appointment at (972) 708-7408 and leave a message. We will get back to you the next day the Clinic is open. If you need a prescription refill, please call the pharmacy and have them send the request to the Clinic.
Located in Member Services Building, Suite 100, (972) 708-7408.
Monday - 8:30 am - noon
Tuesday - 8:30 am - noon, 1:00- 3:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:30 am - noon
Thursday - closed
Friday - 8:30 am – noon
Please check the ILC Calendar for irregular Clinic closings.
You may obtain a list of doctors if you need a specialist. No obstetrics services provided. The Clinic continues to not be authorized to see Medicare patients.
While you are State-side, please use the Clinic phone for all questions, requests for appointments, etc. and NOT the Clinic email address. If the Clinic is closed when you call, leave your phone number and a brief message and we will return your call as soon as we return to the office. Phone requests have priority over emails. (Email is best for overseas members and to attach documents.)
Before Coming to the Clinic
Before coming to the Clinic, if you are experiencing respiratory issues, please take a Covid test, or be prepared to have one given by the Clinic. Influenza and Rapid Strep testing are also available.
First time visits
Fill out these forms before you enter the Clinic. We prefer that you bring them printed. Save the PDFs onto your computer before filling it in.
Email Privacy Practices — This does not need to be printed out, just be sure to read it before you sign the Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices
When SIL clinic is closed please go to:
1. MinuteClinic (located in CVS) 972-299-5347, 385 E Belt Line Rd, Cedar Hill;, or
2. CareNow 972-780-0802, 39769 LBJ Freeway at I-20 & Wheatland, Cedar Hill,, can check in online (Does NOT accept Medicare), or
3. NextCare Urgent Care, 972-637-5100, 642 Uptown Blvd, Cedar Hill,
If you need emergency room services, consider using Methodist Midlothian Medical Center, 469-846-2000, 1201 E. US Highway 287, Midlothian TX.
Bites & Stings
The Texas Poison Center Network offer guides for prevention and treatment for Texas bites and stings. Go to the buttons below to learn more on the Poison Control website.
Call 1 (800) 222-1222 if you have been bitten by an insect, spider, or snake.