Social &
Spiritual Life
We are a community that expresses social and spiritual vitality.
We invite you to these opportunities for flourishing in our community.
Our chaplains are available to talk, for counseling, and for prayer.
Lending libraries available.
ILC Chaplain’s Call to Prayer
An email of timely prayer requests sent as-needed to people who’ve committed to pray.
Contact the ILC Chaplain to join or contribute a prayer request.
Chaplain of
International Linguistics Center
Marshall Schultz
(972) 708-7390 mobile
Offering hospital visits, grief counseling, funeral planning, and memorial services.
Chaplain of
Dallas International University
Timothy Oluminu
Office in The Student Life Center.
Call or email to make an appointment.
Sing & Share
Sundays 6:45 – 8:00 pm, in the Activity Center Auditorium.
As we journey with the Lord through Life, gathering together to sing and hear the stories of those who have gone before us is a beautiful part of our life together. Come be blessed and inspired, questions: Contact Ken Zook. (972) 708-7418
Transform (Dallas International University Chapel)
MWF 11:10 – 12:10 am, in Event Center (sometimes the Activity Center) and via Zoom.
Everyone welcome. Contact Transform for Zoom link and to offer your music or spiritual experience that you’d like to share.
Devotions in Travis Lodge
Mondays - Fridays, 8:00 – 8:30 am in the Travis Lodge.
Come sing a couple hymns. We have prayer requests and someone shares a brief devotional.
Dance and Evensong
First Sundays of the month, 5:00 – 8:00 PM in the Event Center
Designed to provide a new opportunity for dance for Christian young people, while at the same time be an outreach to believers and barely-believers. On the month’s first Sunday evening there will be a dance, then pizza, and then a special service called Evensong. More Details ➜
Support Groups
Grief Support Group Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm via Zoom. Grief Support Facilitator is Lynda Mathison.
Register at GriefShare
Contact Lynda by email here, or call (214) 535-9689.
Prayer Groups
Partner in prayer with a Dallas International University student. This usually involves a commitment of one hour per week. To sign up contact Transform.
SIL Eurasia Area Prayer Meeting
Come, learn, and pray for the peoples of Eurasia.
Third Thursday of every month, 12:15 – 1:00 pm, Cornerstone Hall
Bible Studies
Ladies’ Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study, 1:00 – 3:00. Women are welcome to join us - any who want to dig into God's Word! The contact person is Christine Harlan, 301-442-0003.
Third Culture Kids
Kids on the Go for 3rd– 6th Graders
Meeting twice a month on Mondays in Cornerstone Hall from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Coordinators are Jennifer Humiston, (573) 822-5682, and Adrianna Henry.
Jr. and Sr. High MKs
Teens meet each Monday night with other MKs for worship, Bible study, and small groups. Caleb Robbins, (214) 558-8431, Nadia Walkinshaw, (214) 336-2763.
Young Adults
Bible study, prayer, and community group. Contact Caleb Robbins, (214) 558-8431 .
Haven River Inn, Comfort Texas 4.5 hours from Dallas - offers two free nights for fulltime missionaries.
Retreat and Vacation Opportunities and Quiet Places
Prayer Room in the Key Building, West End, Third Floor is available to everyone for quiet meditation, reflection and prayer.